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SWEEP Academy Primary School
SWEEP Academy is an Independent Christian Primary School specializing in your child's educational journey. This phase covers Grade R to Grade 7 which represents the fundamental stages of your child's development.
Vision Statement
The vision is contained in Jeremiah 17:8 "For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, and that spreads out its roots by the river, and shall not fear when the heat comes, but its leaf shall be green, and not be anxious in the year of droubt, neither shall cease from yielding fruit."
We embrace excellence in education and offer a loving, caring and disciplined environment.
Mission Statement
We promise to provide the highest quality education, care and supervision for all learners with the goal of assisting them to grow, develop and achieve their true potential in spirit, soul and body with sound Biblical principles as the foundation of their decision making DNA.
Scope and Curriculum
- We follow the CAPS Curriculum from Grade R to Grade 3 and IMPAC Curriculum Grade 4-7
- Subjects: Numeracy, Literacy (English, Afrikaans, Zulu), Science, Social Studies and Bible Study
- Detailed Progress Reports at the end of each term
- Compulsary age appropriate computer studies
- Physical development of gross motor and balance skills
- Performing Arts and Culture program
Extra Murals

DM Dance CC has 4 divisions divided into the following:
Dance Mouse Tots
Dance Mouse
Grade 000 (3Yrs)-Grade 7 (13Yrs)
Dance Madness
Grade 4 (11Yrs)-Grade 12 (18Yrs) Selected franchises only
DM Ballerina
Grade 000-Grade 12

As a school, we offer:
Highly qualified, skilled and patient instructors
Indoor, heated swimming pool
A secure, clean teaching environment
Infant / toddler program
Children beginner program
Adult learn to swim program
Stroke correction
Underwater photography
Lesson DVD's
For the convenience of working parents, we offer morning classes to nursery schools (like S.W.E.E.P.).
We collect swimmers in our school bus (driver has a valid PDP license).
They are assisted with dressing and escorted to their lesson by our child minders and teachers.
Once swimmers have completed their lesson, they are dressed and returned to school.
Parents are welcome to monitor their children's progress at any time.
For parents who prefer to bring their children privately, we offer classes from Saturdays and Monday to Thursday - 14h00 to 19h00

Soccer Starz is an extra mural activity that is offered at S.W.E.E.P. Academy.
Our program is soccer specific as coaches concentrate on various soccer related movement and ball skills, through a fun learning environment, during our 30 minute lesson every week.
We offer our program to boys and girls from the age of 2 years old up until Grade 7.

Technokids computer training encourages fun & exciting learning and at the same time improves fine motor skills, hand and eye coordination and perceptual development. We teach basic computer skills using educational packages as Word, Excel etc. depending on your child's individual ability from Grade 000 to 7, with a maximum of 5 children per teacher.
Due to the small classes, your child received individual attention and every child works on their own laptop.
Your child's progress is monitored closely and you will receive a detailed progess report at the end of terms 2 and 4. At the end of the year each child will be tested and receive a certificate for skills learned.
Fees 2025
Registration Fee:
Text Books Fee:
Monthly Fee:
R 2200.00
Once off, non-refundable
R 4300.00
Once Off
R 4600.00
Payable over 11 months (Jan - Nov)
Payable on or before the 7th of each month, monthly in advance.
5% Discount applicable when annual amount is paid in full before
28 February.
Uniform Price list 2025
School Uniform:
Operating Times
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
07h30 - 13h45
07h30 - 14h30
SWEEP Academy closes at 14h30 on Wednesdays due to Sport Training.
Terms 2025
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
15 January 2025 - 28 March 2025
08 April 2025 - 27 June 2025
22 July 2025 - 03 October 2025
13 October 2025 - 10 December 2024
Code of Conduct
Operating Times
Code Of
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